For the 10th event in our series recording nursing experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic we look at the vaccination programme across the UK. This has been an enormous undertaking, ever since the very first vaccine in England was delivered by a nurse in December 2020. Nursing staff have been a vital part of setting up mass vaccination centres and providing services throughout. In this event, listen live to the experiences of nurses involved in this historic undertaking.
The interviewers are RCN Professional Leads Helen Donovan and Heather Randle.
- Louise Cahill has been clinical coordinator of a COVID-19 vaccination centre in Newport, Wales, since December 2020.
- Carole Phillips
We are living in historic times. Since the World Health Organization declared a pandemic in 11 March 2020, nursing staff have performed a huge range of vital roles in the COVID-19 response in the UK and beyond. Now is the time to go beyond the “clap for carers” and better understand what life during the pandemic has been like for nursing staff in different situations and contexts. From first responders and nursing leaders to staff working in care homes and the nursing students who stepped up from their degrees to support the NHS, this series marks the ongoing impact of the pandemic on nursing and nurses.
Each virtual event takes the form of live interviews with nursing and healthcare staff and students, followed by a Q&A. The interviews will be recorded and added to the RCN archive, making sure these experiences are recorded for posterity.
This event is open to all, and will take place online. Please sign up to attend and the link to join will be circulated in advance.